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Zigzag chairs drawn from different angles and then framed: Framing Rietveld , Framing Rietveld II, III, IV and V. This produces five ‘z-shaped’ wall objects that, grouped together, are a phonetic representation of sleeping: ZZZZZ.

The idea arose while preparing the exhibition in a gallery annex bed and breakfast (De Kunstpraktijk) where the guest-room could also be included in the exhibition.

Mating period II

The chair increasingly leaving its ‘frame’ and running into the world first presented itself in the form of Stoelgang in 2010. After that followed, among others, Relaxchair III, Mating period and this one.
The curved backrest thus becomes the horns of a cow without hesitation. And then you stand up for your territory of course.

Framing Rietveld II


One of five from Framing Rietveld’s. The first from 2017 is the starting point for the series. I made this one with three others for above the ‘bed’ of the ‘and breakfast’ in gallery B&B-De Kunstpraktijk in Veldhoven, as part of my exhibition there in the summer of 2019. The five of them exhibited as ‘Sleep’: a good night’s rest assured!
See also Framing Rietveld, Framing Rietveld III, IV en V.

Framing Rietveld III


From the Framing Rietveld series. The first from 2017 is the starting point for the series. I made these with four others for above the ‘bed’ of the ‘and breakfast’ in gallery De Kunstpraktijk in Veldhoven, as part of my exhibition there in the summer of 2019. Five of them exhibited as ‘Sleep’: a good night’s rest assured!
See also Framing Rietveld, Framing Rietveld II, IV en V.

Framing Rietveld IV


The largest in a series of Framing Rietveld’s. The first from 2017 is the starting point for the series. This one I made this with four others for above the ‘bed’ of the ‘& breakfast’ in gallery De Kunstpraktijk in Veldhoven, as part of my exhibition there in the summer of 2019. Exhibited with five as ‘Sleep’: A good night’s sleep guaranteed!
See also Framing Rietveld, Framing Rietveld II, III en V .

Framing Rietveld V


The smallest in a series of Framing Rietveld’s. The first one from 2017 is the starting point for the series. I made this one with four others for above the ‘bed’ of the ‘and breakfast’ in gallery B&B-De Kunstpraktijk in Veldhoven, as part of my exhibition there in the summer of 2019. Exhibited with five as ‘Sleep’: a good night’s rest assured!
See Framing Rietveld, Framing Rietveld II, III en IV.

Backside flip III

A kind of mirrored chair. Or is it two chairs? Two chairs with a twist, maybe gymnastics or dancing? A backside flip!


Another work in the cutting technique. This is a more chaotic variation on Descendants I and II. With these two all tubular frame chairs shown are drawn in the same direction. In this case, also from a perspective, it goes in all directions: chaos in the herd.

Portrait 42


The 42nd portrait of a chair by the backrest. The first nine in this series date back to 2011, after that it was ‘quiet’ in this area until nine new ones appeared in 2017. Followed by another twelve in 2018 and finally three in 2019. For example, I usually group together in a larger number or also as smaller accents between other pencil drawings. See Portrait 18 en 43.

Portrait 43


The 43th portrait of a chair by the backrest. The first nine in this series date back to 2011, after that it was ‘quiet’ in this area until nine new ones appeared in 2017. Followed by another twelve in 2018 and finally another three in 2019. They are usually shown grouped by me or also as small accents between other pencil drawings. See Portrait 42 en 44.

Portrait 44


The 44th portrait of a chair by the backrest. The first nine in this series date back to 2011, after that it was ‘quiet’ in this area until nine new ones appeared in 2017. Followed by another twelve in 2018 and finally three in 2019. I regularly expose them grouped together or also as small accents between other pencil drawings. See Portrait 7, 29 and 42.

Inversie III


A chair? No, two or wait one, but mirrored. No, not a mirror, rather a twist. Carefully drawn or, in other words, harmoniously twisted.

Breuer’s bondage

This well-known chair by Marcel Breuer, the S35 from the Thonet company, is shown from this point of view because it then shows its back. And in this case, the covering of the chair on the drawing is held together with real wire. A subtle and refined play with dimensions.

Flying dutchman

This small pencil drawing is indebted to a 1998 watercolor entitled Flying dutchmen. In large format and in color, these chair-like animals fly in a kind of universe. This one is isolated in its frame, but by mounting it freely without background it casts its shadow on the wall, making it seem to be moving.

Time circle IIX

A whole series of brightly colored patio chairs form a kind of circle that revolve around the center like planets. Where are they located? And what happened? Sharp shadows suggest a bright light source, possibly the sun, after a very heavy shower. The thought of musical chairs also arises.

Get Real


The phenomenon that pixels as they become smaller or that the distance to the pixels becomes larger makes you see the depicted image clearer again is the starting point here. The pixels become real again, so to speak.