Inversie II
Is it the shadow of the seat transformed into seat? A new object with clear seat characteristics? This object can in this way, in two dimensions exist, so much is certain that proves this drawing. But transfering it to the third dimension by actually making it?
Two drawings of a ladderback-chair by Charles-Rennie McIntosh are woven into one, creating his own problems that do contribute to the image. The drawing is related to a drawing I made earlier in 2019 Intertwined past.
Rietveld refurbished V
Gerrit Rietveld’s most conceptual designs have not only a spartan appearance but also ditto seating characteristics. For real hardliners, placing a loose pillow is probably already more tha a bridge to far. What then to think of the upholsterer who has indulged himself here in Rietveld’s zigzag-chair? Of course in the colors of the house style though.
Rietveld refurbished IV
Gerrit Rietveld’s most conceptual designs have not only a spartan appearance but also ditto seating characteristics. For real hardliners, placing a loose pillow is probably already more than a bridge to far. What then to think of the upholsterer who has indulged himself here in Rietveld’s Berlin chair ? Well in the colors of the house Style though.
Spider III
The eight-legged Thonet chair that I made earlier as a pencil drawing in Spider asked for a more dynamic version to trigger the arachnophobes (see also ‘Arachnophobia‘). Two positions mixed together make the drawing a lot more mobile.De achtpotige Thonetstoel die ik eerder als potloodtekening maakte in Spin vroeg om een meer dynamische uitvoering om de arachnofoben (zie ook ‘Arachnofobia‘ nog wat meer te triggeren. Twee standpunten gemixt maken de tekening een stuk beweeglijker.
Sit II
The chair that is increasingly leaving its ‘frame’ and running into the world presented itself for the first time in the form of ‘Stoelgang‘ in 2010. After that followed, among other things, Relax chair III and in this case Sit.
A chair that also stretches your legs. You will have to stand all your life!
Intertwined past II
A variation in color on the pencil drawing Intertwined past with here (of course) the founding father of the cantilever chairs by Mart Stam, but this time interwoven with a design by Mies van der Rohe from 1927 executed by Thonet.
Due to the thickness of the paper, the deviation between the two images becomes increasingly larger towards the top and the bottom, which is why I started weaving from the middle.
Intertwined past
Mart Stam is the inventor of the free-floating tubular frame, ‘Freischwinger’ as it is called much nicer in German. He shared his find with his colleagues at the Bauhaus in the 1920s in Dessau (Germany). This revolutionary discovery led to an explosion of variants all over the world. Many lawsuits have been conducted about it. Marcel Breuer was one of the first to have a commercial copy on the market. I literally interwoven two drawings, one of Mart Stam’s first cantilever and Breuer’s first. A bit like it was the case with their life and work.
Relaxstoel III
The chair that is increasingly leaving its ‘frame’ and running into the world presented itself for the first time in the form of Stoelgang in 2010. After that followed, among others, Relax chair, Sitting and here Relax chair III.
A chair that also relaxes for a moment. You will have to stand all your life!
Bell chair
A clockmaker’s chair and perhaps also for a clockmaker. With your back to time you might lose it for a while, a blessing in our hectic times. The freestanding klokkenstoelen are known especially in the north of the Netherlands. These will sound at set times and this one when you spend some time on it.
Framed IV
(Not for sale)
A serious contribution to my crowdfunding at Voor de kunst, which eventually led to the book Playfull perspectives about my pencil drawings, requires an appropriate consideration. In the preliminary phase I indicated that one could also send an image of ones own (favorite) chair. I knew that! The type of chair, a very fine specimen by the way, was just the kind that I actually always ignore. If something is difficult, you divide it into pieces, each of which is manageable, et voilà.
Framing Rietveld V
The smallest in a series of Framing Rietveld. The first from 2017 is the reason for the serie. I made this one with three others, added to the one from 2017, for above the ‘bed’ of the ‘& breakfast’ in gallery De Kunstpraktijk in Veldhoven, as part of my exhibition there in the summer of 2019. Exhibited with the five of us as ‘Sleep’. A good night’s sleep guaranteed!
See also Framing Rietveld, Framing Rietveld II, III en IV.
Zigzag chairs drawn from different angles and then framed: Framing Rietveld , Framing Rietveld II, III, IV and V. This produces five ‘z-shaped’ wall objects that, grouped together, are a phonetic representation of sleeping: ZZZZZ.
The idea arose while preparing the exhibition in a gallery annex bed and breakfast (De Kunstpraktijk) where the guest-room could also be included in the exhibition.