Tijdkring X
In a sense, you can see the curved furniture as Thonet invented it as a precursor or, if you like, a preliminary stage of the tubular frame chair. In my work it worked the other way around. First the connection to a ‘multi-seating object’ of the tubular frame chair as recently with Tijdkring IX but also earlier with Tijdkring VII, VI and even earlier Tijdkring III (2007). In this work, as with no. IX, I used the cutting technique by making part of the image separately on watercolor-cardboard and mounting this part later. The shadows that are created this way provide a pleasant tingling sensation but also some confusion for the viewer. I briefly considered calling this work ‘Thonetwork’ but that went too far for me, although of course it is that.
Insiders will recognize Thonet no. 14, which has here interlocked the armrests, thus preventing this gathering from becoming too relaxed. Because leaning back is out of the question.